The Law of Conservation Lab

This week we went to the 8th grade Science lab, and did two experiments. With the first one, we had to pour vinegar into a small cup and pour baking soda into another one. We weighed both on a triple beam balance and recorded our findings. Next we mixed the two together inside of a ziploc bag. A chemical reaction occurred because bubbles and a gas formed. It was so cool to watch the bag inflate!! We weighed this again, and found that it weighed close to the same thing!!

Our second experiment involved a water bottle, alka seltzer tablet, balloon, and water. Again, we weighed it and recorded our findings. Next, we worked quickly to drop the tablet in the water and cover the opening with the balloon. The balloon began to inflate!! It was so cool! We weighed it again and it weighed the same.
These two experiments proved the Law of Conservation of Matter. It says that matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. This was a lot of fun! I even got to design a smiley face on my inflated balloon!! It really helped me understand the concept.