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About Stacie

My Story

I grew up in Milledgeville and attended Ga. College & State University where I received my Batchelor’s and Master’s in Science. I have worked in Environmental Health at Central State Hospital and Ga. Southern University. After having my children, I was called to be a teacher. I attended Lagrange College and received my Master’s in teaching Science. While there, I was awarded "Outstanding Field Experience".​ My passions are my family, teaching, running, and Les Mills group fitness. 


My Teaching Philosophy

As a teacher, I am always looking for new ways to engage my students. Technology and problem based learning is imperative in the 21st century classroom. I try to incorporate these into my daily lessons. 

Teaching is all about respect. I respect my students and they respect me. I love them as if they were my own. I believe in each child, and I care about their well being.

I also see myself as more of a facilitator of learning. Students are responsible for their own education. I am there to guide them and lead them. They have to be willing to learn and take chances. One of the greatest gifts of teaching is watching a child experience success. I love saying, "See! I told you that you could do it!!" 



Food: Mexican 

Movie: Grease, All Star Wars films 

Book: Anything that keeps me on the edge of my seat!​
Color: Turquoise 
Drink: Diet Coke, Coffee
 Season: Summer 
Sport: Cross country/track & football 
Fast Food: Zaxby’s, Chick FilA 
Team: Georgia Bulldogs!! Go Dawgs! 
Holiday: Christmas 
Hobby: Running and Les Mills Classes 

Store: Elliebelle’s, Bath&Body Works 
Subject: Science, of course!!
Dessert: DQ blizzards 
Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory, Starbuck's, 
​Flower/Plant: Orchids, Lilies, Coleus

Other: Polar Ice Extra gum, PaperMate Flair Felt Tip pens, Netflix, 

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